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Geeking out about stuff.

A bi-weekly hand-picked grass-fed locally-sourced list of the industry articles our creative technologists are currently reading. Topics include customer experience, design, marketing, business, finance, technology, media, and storytelling.



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April 23, 2018

Thumbs Up for Solving Non-Linear Reading Needs


VIDEO: The user-experience benefits of a design that makes it easier to navigate complex information and return to previous locations.

Source: Nielsen Norman Group

Bussed out – How America moves its homeless


Each year, US cities give thousands of homeless people one-way bus tickets out of town. An 18-month nationwide investigation by the Guardian reveals, for the first time, what really happens at journey’s end.

Source: The Guardian

14 common user experience mistakes to avoid on your company’s website


Today’s consumers expect a fast, flawless and beautifully designed interface when they use a software product or browse a website.

Source: The Next Web

Meet The Paralympic Gold Medalist Revolutionizing Prosthetic Design


Mike Schultz just won a gold medal at the Paralympics. But his work as a designer is helping dozens of other athletes compete, too.

Source: FastCo. Design

A Trip Through Online Past with the Web Design Museum


“In 2000, it didn’t occur to me that 14 years later I’d still be spending such a long time watching the pre-loader”

Source: Eye On Design

Robot Journalist Finds New Work on Wall Street


Software that turns data into written text could help us make sense of a coming tsunami of data.

Source: MIT Technology Review

The 9 Rules of Design Research


Businesses have embraced the idea that meaningful innovation requires understanding their customers as humans with complex lives.

Source: Mule via Medium

‘Design and Leadership Are Inextricably Bound Together.’ How Design Means Business to the Modern CEO


What’s driving all this corporate interest in design? And what does it mean for corporate leaders?

Source: Fortune

Design Psychology and the Neuroscience of Awesome UX


There’s a science as to why particular designs catch your eye and get your blood pumping. The human brain is lazy, biased, and prone to shortcuts.

Source: Toptal
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