A bi-weekly hand-picked grass-fed locally-sourced list of the industry articles our creative technologists are currently reading. Topics include customer experience, design, marketing, business, finance, technology, media, and storytelling.
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Is timeless UI design a thing?
It’s only natural that when we create a brand new product and its respective visual identity, we want it to be the new cool kid on the block. And usually, that will require some knowledge and research of the current trends to understand which might provide us some years of stylish headstart.
Source: Imaginary Cloud
Awesome story of Calibri, the font that may leave Pakistan sans Sharif
Pen is mightier than the sword? Forget it. These words written in 1839 by novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton in historical play Cardinal Richelieu may have found a new meaning in the digital age of 2017.